East Pasco Y Teen’s Life Changed by Sports Coaches

Kolten with Coach Tim and Raquel Fry.
December 17, 2024

When Kolten Permenter, 15, lost his mother to COVID suddenly in 2021 – the grief and loss took away his self-confidence too. However, the East Pasco Family YMCA emerged as a game-changer for him.

Adopted by his mom’s older sister, Angela (Angie) Permenter Floyd, Kolten who had played in the East Pasco YMCA’s basketball league for a few seasons, officially became a Y member along with his aunt last year.  

“I want teens like me who went through similar experiences to know that the YMCA is always there to make you better. They’ll understand you and learn how to help especially when you are feeling low,” shared Kolten, who is in the 9th grade.

Angela agrees wholeheartedly.  

“At first the Y was only a means to get out of the apartment. He was a very shy young man with very low self-confidence, walking with his head down all the time. Once he started playing basketball at the YMCA last year, he was suddenly dribbling, making shots and scoring points. His coaches Tim and Raquel Fry have been absolutely incredible and amazing!” she enthused.

“They are always complimenting him, telling him how impressed they are with Kolten. He turned around from a kid who didn’t want to be noticed to someone who walks with self-confidence shooting three-pointers with the nickname ‘Beast’ now from his team. A complete 180. He wants to socialize. It’s all because of the Y,” she shared fighting tears.

“The YMCA has helped me with self-confidence and helped me make friends, even in school. It helped me feel safe in a non-judgmental and comfortable environment,” noted Kolten.

In fact, both coaches have gone above and beyond for Kolten. They were at the hospital late at night when he recently fractured his skull and broke his nose during a basketball game at the YMCA.  

“I was scared and in pain. But they were there to comfort me. I was very upset; however, to see them there was an incredible, bonding moment. They’ve helped me a lot, on and off the basketball court.”

For Angela, the YMCA has become family.

“Everyone was so helpful and amazing when Kolten was hurt. His coaches were there in minutes. I was falling apart, not knowing what would happen to Kolten. All I could think was ‘not my kid,’ as they told me they had to transfer him to Tampa General,” recalled Angela.  

“Both coaches and Nicole (Bennett) texted daily to check in on him. I was just so touched. To see everyone’s genuine concern for him was something. They are family.”

Kolten’s coaches and team signed a basketball for him with heartfelt comments when he returned. They had a special shirt made for him too that said, “Rebound Beast.”  

“That was so kind of them. They were there for me,” said Kolten, who has fully recovered from the injury.

Nicole Bennett, Sports, Family Programming & Camp Director notes “having Kolten and Angie build such a strong bond with the coaches truly highlights the heart of our program.”

“It’s incredible to see how the trust and connection between them have contributed to Kolten’s growth, confidence and love for sports. This relationship is a testament to the positive impact our coaches have, not just on the players but on their families as well. Stories like this remind us why we do what we do,” Nicole added.

Coach Tim and Raquel noted it’s all about the players first.

“Our coaching method and heart is to see the individual/player first, know their name, encourage them, help build confidence and assist them in growing their basketball skills. Our relationship with Kolten evolved through having the opportunity to coach him consistently and to get to know him and his aunt, Angie. Lastly, we consistently remind the players that it takes the whole team to work together. Each player is vital. Therefore, it is always important to know each other's names, to work together and that we are there for them.”

Alex Delgado, Associate Executive Director, East Pasco and Dade City YMCA is impressed by Kolten’s transformation.

“Learning of Kolten’s story and the part the East Pasco YMCA, specifically our sports program has played in his life is nothing short of extraordinary. On behalf of the East Pasco Y, I am incredibly proud to serve in an organization that allows these types of stories to be possible. I cannot imagine the hardship that Kolten and Angie went through and no doubt still battle daily after the passing of a mother/sister. Being a place where Kolten can thrive and grow demonstrates that the work we do matters and the outreach is far beyond what any of us envision. I am humbled by the impact and magic of the Y. God Bless Kolten and Angie.”

Impact and magic of the Y – indeed.

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