Lap Swimming for Exercise

Lap swimming is a wonderful full-body, low impact exercise. Each Tampa YMCA family center and YMCA Camp Cristina offers lap swim for Tampa Y members, totaling 10 locations across Hillsborough and East Pasco Counties. Tampa Y members can enjoy year-round lap swimming year-round in our outdoor, heated pools. 

Ongoing Lap Swim Competition: Lap League 100

Avid lap swimmers, it's your time to shine! Tampa Y members can register for a free lap swim competition. Participate in a healthy competition, get newfound motivation for your water workouts with Lap League 100. 

Track your lap swim length to reach our milestones: 100 miles, 300 miles, 500 miles, 750 miles, 1,000 miles! 

Lap League Goals: Reach the total distance – no matter your timeline. Members who reach a milestone will receive a Lap League 100 t-shirt for their accomplishment.

How to Join the Lap League

Sign up at your YMCA's Welcome Center to enter the friendly and motivating swimming competition. Learn more about the exclusive member benefit then choose your lane and dive in!